Mushroom frittata for breakfast

Salad for lunch!

Salad leaves, mashed tuna(no mayo), 1 hard boiled egg, some truffle cheese. No dressing.


Grass fed rib eye.
Green beans stir fry
Simple salad no dressing.

Over the weekend we celebrate my sil birthday.

She drove down to Singapore with her bf and mil.

I forgot how good da Luca is. Ok la I remember, but pasta give me very bad gas.


I can eat this everyday!!!

We ordered 2 to share amongst 5 adults. Cos it’sπŸ’°. But so worth it.

Cold capellini with truffle, uni and Hokkaido scallops. So so good. $88

Miles apart from Gunther’s.

This was light and refreshing and morish. Mmmm salivating just thinking about it.

My mains of cod specially done for me cos I kenut gluten.

Husband was really sweet. He preordered the dessert as a birthday cake for sil.

Chocolate lava cake with molten pistachio sauce. And hazelnut ice cream at the side.

One of the better lava cakes I’ve eaten.

Sooooo sooooo good.

Then I had stomach ache after cos I also cannot lactose.

But worth the stomach ache.

Happy 34th SN!!!

Ya they all look very young one.

πŸ‘¦πŸ» ah kor, can take pic of Mickey Mouse and me with mummy??

Sil πŸ“·: ok! (Faster take)

So rare this emo guy willingly ask for a photo.

Sil πŸ“·: didi, faster kiss mummy!

πŸ‘ΆπŸ»: *side eyes sil and pretends to kiss me*

Sil: kiss properly!

πŸ‘ΆπŸ»: *still refuses to kiss.

Isaac is oblivious

Sil also brought down their bikes we recently got them.

Finally! They can ride because the rain has stopped.



Typical when you have kids.

First born quickly grabs didi scooter and had a go.


Weeeee!!! πŸ’¨

The little devil.

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